Friday, May 10, 2024

Can I freeze time?

The title is a bit facetious but there are some things I wish I could just bottle up to return to - with Charlie turning 3 soon there is just a bit of baby left to him - the pudgy cheeks and how he still wants to be carried sometimes, and still wwants to snuggle and be a "baby" on occasion. I feel like those are things that I will look up in a few months and they'll be over, he'll be a big boy like his big brother running around everywhere and with no baby fat left to him.

It's mostly the cheeks - why do kids get the softest, plumpest, cutest cheeks around? I guess so we find them cute even when they're throwing tantrums! But seriously, I'll miss the soft, soft baby skin and snuggles.

And then with Owen it's big boy with glimpses of a future where he won't want to talk to me or hang out with me. It's like he's on the edge, one side wanting to still be a little boy where he has less responsibilities and gets coddled and on the other side is the wanting to be more mature and do more for himself but a little scared about what that entails too.

I feel like the wanting to bottle time runs through life but is much more acute in motherhood; I feel it more than I do about any of my earlier life. And then at the same time I wish I could freeze things I also am really excited for what is ahead, as the boys do get more mature and capable and we can go on more and bigger adventures with them.

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