Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Well this is a quite belated post. I wanted to write around Charlie’s birthday at the end of May to record some memories of him at this stage. 

Charlie is that absolute mix right now of toddler turning into little kid- he still has the pudgy baby cheeks and propensity for throwing some tantrums but also is running and throwing better every day and by degrees becoming more self sufficient. 

Things I know I’ll never remember as vividly as I want to- his belly laugh when he’s delighted by something, usually his older brother. 

His absolute love and watchfulness of Owen and everything he says and does.

The way he’ll run around the house at full speed yelling all the words he knows to “let it go” like it is some kind of race event until he is red in the face and out of breath. 

His love of cars- I find micro machines all over the house, every surface, nook and cranny available. He conducts his own races, they all line up, and a lot of the time they head to the airport to fly to Mexico.

His make believe friends- the other night I heard him having a dialogue that was “you’re Charlie?” “I’m Charlie too, so we’re both Charlie” too funny.

If one of his imaginary friends or stuffed animals is upset it’s usually because “they miss their mommy”.

When I picked him up from preschool the other day and asked what he did at school he said “played a silly game with Owen and Liam” and was so delighted with himself and giggling that they had played this very very silly game.

Charlie is my kid who is like tropical weather, he’s all sunshine and good vibes with the occasional strong storm rolling through and then gone again in a flash. 

I love him so much and can’t imagine not having him as part of this life.

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