Friday, November 7, 2014

Would it have been mean.....

I went back to the Dr office yesterday, I'm not sure really what for since all he told me was that I ovulated, which was fairly obvious since I had taken a shot a week prior to make me ovulate. Thanks captain obvious.

Anyways, I then got an hcg "booster" shot in case I am pregnant, and also as a mean trick to make me have to wait a full 2 weeks from the shot to take a pregnancy test, even though I would otherwise have been able to test 4-5 days sooner. So the nurse, after giving me the shot (in my ass, which ended up being so much more sore than the shots in my thighs or stomach, surprisingly) then says "this is the hardest part to wait". At the time, I was slightly annoyed and replied "yes, but at least I'll be busy" but in hindsight, when I am always much more clever, what i wish I had said was "no, the hardest part is waiting out the first trimester to see if I have another miscarriage". What do you think- would that have been too mean? But really, I feel like these nurses have no idea what my history is sometimes. I can see that for someone going to this doctor because they haven't been able to get pregnant than yes, it would be exciting and tough to wait to see if you're knocked up. But I've been there, done that three times now. While it will be exciting if it happens, I won't have any kind of sense of relief or reassurance just from getting a positive pregnancy test. I guess all I'd ask is that they out some kind of summary sheet on my chart, just a few lines that people can glance at before they treat me that says, in big letters, HAS HAD 3 MISCARRIAGES. Then at least we would all be on the same page.

Oh, and I'm not actually angry about this now, I'm case that's what it sounded like!

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