Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me since my last post. The support is really invaluable.

The past couple of weeks has been a really nice break from doctors, taking lots of meds, and feeling so focused on getting more results in a few days or a few weeks. I'm not going to say that things are 100% great, but they are better. Maybe it's just my hormones getting back into a "normal" balance, but I am feeling better than I have in a while.

We still don't really know what's going to happen or exactly what we're going to choose to do next, but for the meantime we've got a lot of activities with family and friends set up for the fall to look forward to.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Where to go from here?

I feel more uncertain about our journey to try and have a baby now than I have in a long time, at least the past year. In my last surgery the Dr found one possible adhesion and cut it, but more importantly said that my uterine lining is just inflamed and very patchy looking, which is not optimal, and it needs some time to heal from all the procedures over the past two years.

I've been thinking a lot about how it's been two years this month since my first miscarriage. It's so hard to believe and has gotten me pretty down, I think mainly because it doesn't feel like we're much closer to having a baby.We're not really decided on where we go from here. We know we're going to take at least 2 months without any treatments to hopefully get my lining to heal up. But we're also out of my insurance coverage for IVF. Meaning that anything we do going forward with the specialist that is related to infertility is ALL out of pocket.So- IF my lining starts looking better do we try and do a transfer? Do we look for a surrogate for our embryos? Do we just try on our own so that we can go to my regular Dr, but run a higher risk of more miscarriages and therefore more procedures? Do we start the adoption process? I don't know any more. It just feels like almost every option is committing a lot of money and/or time, with no guarantee of success. 

If anyone has advice on what they think we should do I would love to hear it!