Monday, April 13, 2015

Well this sucks.

For anyone who was hoping for a good news post, this will not be it. As much as I would have really loved to have something positive to share we haven't had much of that over the past week.

Since my egg retrieval last Sunday I have pretty much been a cloud of pain and nausea meds since I developed moderate/ severe OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome) that was kind of scary and overall just very unpleasant to deal with. You can google it if you want, but in a nutshell OHSS is where after egg retrieval/ ovulation your hormones go kind of haywire and your body decides to retain fluid, causing the very fun side effects of pain, nausea, dehydration, and abdominal swelling. I felt ok Sunday and Monday after retrieval and then Tuesday into Wednesday started feeling worse and worse- I usually am not a nauseous person but when one anti-nausea med was not enough and I had to go on another and then that still wasn't enough I was not a happy patient. Plus my abdomen from Tuesday on looked like someone had stuck a balloon in my stomach and inflated it, making absolutely everything uncomfortable including walking and sleeping.

I wound up so miserable that I went in to see the Dr on Wednesday afternoon and then went in to get fluid drained on Thursday. 3 liters, from my abdomen. Kind of gross even to me. Thankfully, I didn't end up with the "worst" stage of OHSS which would have been either hopitalization for dehydration or the insertion of a drain into my side for a week or two to allow fluid to continuously drain. I definitely felt better after the procedure, but then still had the swelling/ pain/ nausea trifecta for several more days since draining the fluid provides a temporary solution but it does come back. Today (Monday) is the first day I am feeling sort of perkier, and by that I mean it's 10 am and I'm just starting to contemplate whether I can get by without some nausea medicine. Supposedly I'll feel mostly better by the end of the week.

Then on Saturday, to add insult to injury we got news about our embryos. Out of the 30 that we had at the beginning of the week only 3 had made it to Saturday, and 1 was graded "fair" and 2 "poor". So, this sucks. We spent a while talking to the Dr and the thinking is that something is happening with the DNA that is causing it to mismatch and therefore not have viable embyros. 

Not the best weekend in our household to say the least. But for the time being I'll be recovering and figuring out options going forward.

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