Monday, July 6, 2015

July Update

So, we may have jumped the gun in thinking our decision would be about whether to transfer 1 or 2 embryos, as we are now waiting to see if we will be able to transfer any. My uterine lining didn't cooperate with thickening up with estrogen pills, estrogen patches, viagra suppositories, blood thinners, and acupuncture, so we're taking a step back to try and figure out what's going on.

The plan is currently to wait a few weeks then do a hysteroscopy to make sure I don't have any scarring that's affecting things or any low-level infection. Dr said that he thinks it's unlikely that I have either but still worth ruling them out. Then we see if taking a few months to re-set my estrogen and other levels makes a difference. The thing that makes me worry is that looking back over my chart with Dr last week I have pretty consistently had thin uterine lining during cycles in the fall and in both IVFs....the guidelines say you need lining above 8 mm to have a good shot at sustaining a pregnancy and I have pretty consistently been at only 5-6.

So we're trying to decide where we go from here, it will be at least several months before we would think about doing a transfer again (and that's if my lining cooperates) and then its about 50/50 that I would get or keep a pregnancy. So time to start really looking into adoption and decide if we want to pursue that route. Wish I had better news but that doesn't seem to be how this goes for us!

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