Friday, August 15, 2014

Some answers, more questions

So we got one more piece of information in what is becoming our puzzle. The genetic results of the tissue from my last miscarriage came back, and there was a chromosomal abnormality called trisomy 3. In certain cases, but now with chromosome 3, an extra copy of a chromosome can still result in a live baby, although usually not without effects (an extra copy of a chromosome is what causes Down syndrome). So, in the words of my OB, that last pregnancy was simply not meant to be. So. While that is reassuring in a way in that it gives us a very specific answer for that pregnancy we do not have the same information for the previous two and will have to wait and see if the blood tests come back with anything that would be more answers.

The biggest question would be if the blood tests come back normal, would it mean that we have simply been incredibly unlucky in getting random genetic issues in all three of the previous pregnancies? I know it is certainly possible but would have a hard time believing that three in a row could all happen to have issues.

Stay tuned......

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