Thursday, July 31, 2014


First, thanks to everyone who has sent me kind notes on the blog. It means a lot to me.

I wanted to take a minute to recap the last year and what's been going on since I know I've given just bits and pieces of info so far. (and in case there are any medical experts reading this who want to weigh in with an opinion!)

Jacob and I first got pregnant in June of 2013. We were super excited, but waited until we had an ultrasound with a heartbeat in July to tell many people. We then went back in August for what was supposed to be our 12 week ultrasound, and found that there was no heartbeat. It was definitely a shock to both of us, especially since at the time I didn't even really know what a missed miscarriage was- I always thought that I would know if something had happened. I had a D&C, and then we waited out the next month.

I then got pregnant again in late November, and pretty much repeated the whole cycle- I went in for an additional ultrasound, so we ended up having 2 where we saw a heartbeat, but when we went back for the 12 week there was no heartbeat and I had another D&C.

Then we decided to take a break for a bit, and planned to go on vacation in May. We talked to our doctor about different options, but decided to just ride things out a bit since even with 2 miscarriages it was still most likely to be just chance.

We got pregnant again in June and as soon as we knew I went on supplemental progesterone to see if that would help. This time, we went in the first time at what would have been 8-9 weeks but there was no heartbeat and it looked like the fetus was about 7 weeks. Another D& of the anesthetists at the hospital joked (trying to lighten the mood) that I needed a frequent customer card.

Needless to say, I am no longer a fan of going in for ultrasounds. So, now we test and see what we can find out.

I will keep you posted......

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