Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thankful for the advice of others

I have a colleague who is going through something similar to Jacob and I, and it has been so nice to have someone to discuss and identify with, where it doesn't feel like I'm bringing up a depressing subject to talk to her in detail about everything. I texted her yesterday as she had one of the tests that I will likely have soon (hysterosalpinogram) which looks to see if the structure of your cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes all looks "normal". She said it was pretty easy and took 2 minutes- so nice to know that!

She also told me about some genetic testing that she and her husband did using a service called Counsyl. I think it looks promising but will probably wait to see what the specialist says when we go to meet with him Aug 20th before we go ahead with it. But nice to see that it has a max out of pocket cost of $299 for individuals.

I told her about my avoidance of facebook, and she said that she felt the same way- she actually has a number of close family members who are all pregnant, so I said kudos to her that she is staying sane! Because as much as I truly wish all of my friends and relatives well who are pregnant right now I just don't have the ability at the moment to feel super excited for them. I hope that will change with a little more time and distance.

I'm also grateful for people who are in the public eye and open up about their struggles to have kids- I can't imagine how hard that must be. Jaime King and Bobbi Thomas have both recently written/ been interviewed about their struggles with infertility:

I certainly wouldn't wish this on anyone, but it does make me feel a little better to see and know that there are others going through it, and also to see that everyone's path is different.

So a true update on where we stand:

- I go Aug 11th to get bloodwork with my regular OB/GYN to test for a whole host of things- clotting disorders, lipid disorders, etc
- Appointment with a renal endocrinologist/ infertility specialist Aug 20th. We chose him in part because he is a Blue Devil (go Duke!) and so when we go we will have the results of my bloodwork and the genetic testing from my last D&C. So I'm hoping we will make a plan of action based on the test results and go from there.....

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